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Tra Whidbey e Orcas... MQ...

E con questo post chiudo la mia serie blogorroica notturna da insonnia... Chissà se è semplicemente il SP1 di VS2005 o cosa... boh... vedremo... tutto va bene... basta che non vada come con VS2003... completamente dimenticato senza service pack...

What is MQ?
MQ is a milestone that is post-Whidbey and pre-Orcas that will focus on quality.  We have learned a lot from the previous 3 versions of Visual Studio that were built around the .NET Framework, the biggest lesson that we learned on this most recent version was that we were not agile enough and we took too long to ship.

This milestone while it will not answer everything it gives the division time to analyze its processes and make improvements. Every team (just like a business) has areas that it would like to improve, but hasn’t been able to in the past when there is code churn and deadlines looming.

I really think that MQ is a great step in the right direction and I believe that as a customer you will see this throughout the Orcas product cycle.


Print | posted on sabato 5 novembre 2005 05:37 |

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