Sun ha lasciato un commento interessante sulla figura di architetto qui.
Ve lo riporto perchè mi è piaciuto molto:
Well, it worried me too for a while, as someone who has "Corporate
Architect" written on my business cards!
If I had to defend the use of the
title 'Architect', I think I would argue that it's the most succinct way of
describing the similarities between my role in the IT world and the role of a
traditional architect in the construction world.
Like a traditional
architect, I have to be aware of the relevant standards (building codes) and
product specifications... but like an architect, I have more technical
colleagues who are responsible for creating specifications and developing
compliant products. I am not.
Like a traditional architect, I have to look
forward and define principles which meet the future needs of customers and
users... but like an architect, I have other colleagues who are specialists in
managing the projects to deliver real, working solutions. I am not.
So I
would say the analogy is a pretty good one. I certainly feel more like an
architect than an accountant or lawyer ;^)
Soprattutto l'ultima frase!!!