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Come installare Team Explorer in maniera silenziosa...

Molto ma molto interessante... soprattuto per chi deve farlo n-volte...

How to perform a silent install of Visual Studio 2005 Team Explorer

I have previously posted instructions for performing a silent installation for Visual Studio 2005 and the Visual Studio 2005 Express Editions.  A customer read those previous blog posts and asked a follow-up question about how to perform a silent installation of Visual Studio 2005 Team Explorer, which is the client software needed to access Team Foundation Server.

Team Explorer setup is architected in a way that is similar to the Visual Studio 2005 Express Editions, but the silent installation instructions are a bit easier because unattended INI file creation was not specifically disabled in setup UI like it was for the Express Editions.

Fonte: How to perform a silent install of Visual Studio 2005 Team Explorer

Print | posted on venerdì 14 aprile 2006 03:19 |

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