.NET Compilers

Siete interessati a sapere quanti e quali compilatori .NET esistono sulla faccia della Terra?
Eccovi un bella lista che dovrebbe farvi contenti:


APL AsmL BrainFuck

C Standard

  • C# (MS)
  • mcs (Mono/Ximian)
  • cscc (DotGNU Portable.NET)
Caml C++ Cobol Delphi Eiffel Forth Fortran Java JavaScript


LOGO Lua Mercury Mondrian Oberon Perl Pascal PHP



Python Ruby RPG


  • Scheme (Northwestern University)
Small Talk SML (Standard Meta Language)
  • SML.NET (MS Research, University of Cambridge)
Visual Basic Others

La fonte orginali è stata http://blogs.sqlxml.org/VinodKumar.  Grazie a tutti coloro che hanno contribuito e contribuiscono a tenere la lista aggiornata tramite i loro commenti ()...ma in particolare ad Adrian che è un'assidua fonte di link ed informazioni :-)

Un'altra serie di link che contengono i linguaggi che supportano .NET sono:

Ovviamente se avete correzioni / aggiunte da fare segnalate pure.


Print | posted on giovedì 30 dicembre 2004 14:02


# Compilatori .NET

Left by .NET Tools Blog at 31/12/2004 16:52

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 03/01/2005 03:05
Gravatar Non c'entra con i compilatori .NET però è un esempio di come lo stesso problema si possa implementare in più di 100 linguaggi:


# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 03/01/2005 23:53

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 04/01/2005 02:59
Gravatar BOO (python inspired syntax)


# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 05/01/2005 00:37
Gravatar C#Minor

da un libro che ho sfogliato stasera ma non mi ha entusiasmato tanto:
P.D. Terry, "Compiling with C# and Java", Pearson Education (2005)

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 06/01/2005 01:44
Gravatar A F#, Don Syme dedica il suo intero blog (appena creato):

E a proposito di F#, nell'indirizzo metti aspx al posto di htm

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 08/01/2005 15:42
Gravatar RubySharp

Jan-Åke Hedström, "RubySharp - A Ruby to CIL Compiler"
Degree project for master degree in Software engineering
University of Trollhättan, Uddevalla (2004)

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 17/01/2005 00:34
Gravatar Non poteva mancare l'assembler pe x86:


# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 23/01/2005 05:14

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 23/01/2005 05:20
Gravatar MixNet - compilatore di Mixal

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 23/01/2005 23:58
Gravatar Non è un nuovo compilatore .NET, però è una cosa interessantissima:

"Ruby/.NET Bridge - You can access .NET objects from Ruby and vice-versa".


# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 11/02/2005 12:25
Gravatar Ciao Davide,

il link per Component Pascal punta su un indirizzo inesistente. Quello corretto è questo: http://www.citi.qut.edu.au/members/research_areas/plas/projects/cp_files/cpnet.jsp
Per quelli interessati, esiste anche uno Yahoo Group dedicato a questo linguaggio: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GPCP/

# re:

Left by Rick Byers at 15/02/2005 09:18

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 22/02/2005 09:04

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 24/02/2005 10:30
Gravatar Advanced Compiler Technology Group @ Microsoft Research

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 05/04/2005 13:18
Gravatar RDNZL - A .NET layer for Common Lisp

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 05/04/2005 13:29
Gravatar CLR CLisp
C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\v1.1\Tool Developers Guide\Samples\clisp

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 05/04/2005 13:34
Gravatar Foil - a Foreign Object Interface for Lisp

(a protocol and a set of libraries that facilitate access to JVM and CLI/CLR, and their libraries, from Lisp)

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 11/04/2005 01:16
Gravatar Zing

(automatic model extraction from code!)

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 23/04/2005 03:26

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 25/04/2005 17:30
Gravatar Una lista simile di compilatori, però per JVM!!!


"Currently (spring 2005), it comprises close to 200 different systems"...

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 25/04/2005 18:03
Gravatar Csswf (SWF compiler - use C# rather than ActionScript)

non c'entra tanto con questa lista però, è una figata lo stesso

# The Complete List of CLR Languages

Left by Frankie Fresh's Blog at 13/05/2005 19:22

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 27/07/2005 15:19

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 09/08/2005 12:12
Gravatar post molto lunghi e molto ben fatti sul blog di Bart De Smet, su Spec# e Comega:

Spec# Post Category

Comega Post Category

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 22/10/2005 19:19
Gravatar Common Larceny (Scheme)

C'è anche questa presentazione:
W. Clinger, "Common Larceny", International Lisp Conference 2005
http://international-lisp-conference.org/2005/media/clinger-slides/index.html (slides)
http://international-lisp-conference.org/2005/media/clinger-audio.mp3 (audio)

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by also at 16/01/2006 07:09
Gravatar Kid's Programming Language

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 29/01/2006 21:27

# Introduction to the CLR

Left by Mint Source :: The Blog at 05/04/2006 15:45
Gravatar The CLRThe Common Language Runtime (CLR) coupled with the Common Type system (CTS) provides the basis...

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 20/04/2006 17:50
Gravatar dovrebbe essere bellissimo:

The .NET Programming Languages And Compilers Symposium: Lang .NET 2006
Seattle, Washington, United States, August 1-3, 2006

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 25/06/2006 18:38
Gravatar Compilr - Online compiler (C#, VB.NET)

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 03/08/2006 14:14
Gravatar è finito ieri, a Redmond:

2006 Lang .NET Symposium
July 31 - August 2

agenda bellissima!

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 23/08/2006 11:01
Gravatar Vista Smalltalk (Peter Fisk)

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 06/11/2006 02:07
Gravatar un bellissimo articolo introduttivo per gli aspiranti compiler writer:

Abdulaziz Ghuloum, "An Incremental Approach to Compiler Construction"

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 14/11/2006 18:20
Gravatar Peter Ahé, "Good books on compiler design or implementation"

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 09/01/2007 21:43

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 13/01/2007 10:32

# re: Commenti di nuovo attivi

Left by .NET Tools Blog at 23/01/2007 12:20

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 02/02/2007 15:08
Gravatar utile per un compiler writer:

C# Parser

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 16/02/2007 14:56
Gravatar C$ Programming Language

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Robert at 11/03/2007 03:49
Gravatar FTN95 is now at http://www.silverfrost.com (and as been for some time)

There is an ASP compiler at http://aspcompiler.com

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Joe Blaze at 30/04/2007 10:35
Gravatar VisualAPL is a full featured APL language developed explicitly for Microsoft .Net. It fully interoperates with any other .Net language, including C#, VB.Net, J#, etc.

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 20/06/2007 19:55

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 09/07/2007 16:38
Gravatar Nua (Lua for the DLR)

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 11/11/2007 12:16
Gravatar lcsc (Local C Sharp Compiler)
D.R. Hanson, T.A. Proebsting, "A Research C# Compiler", MSR-TR-2003-32 (April 2003)

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 17/11/2007 09:52
Gravatar il famoso libro di Wirth, gratis:

N. Wirth, "Compiler Construction", November 2005, 131 pp

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 29/11/2007 06:53
Gravatar LOLCode.NET (Nick Johnson)

LOLCODE on the DLR (Martin Maly)


# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 28/02/2008 14:45
Gravatar LuaCLR (http://www.lua.inf.puc-rio.br/luaclr)

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 05/03/2008 11:47
Gravatar a little sample on how to make your own .NET compiler

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 27/06/2008 12:36
Gravatar In Romanian:

V. Rişcuţia, "Generarea de cod executabil pe platforma .NET"

# re: .NET Compilers

Left by Adrian Florea at 15/09/2008 16:53
Gravatar Irony - .NET Language Implementation Kit
Comments have been closed on this topic.

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