Msn Plugin

Di seguito un esempio di plugin di Msn8, realizzato da Siebe Tolsma

using System;

using Microsoft.Messenger;


public class InkysPlugin : IMessengerAddIn


    private MessengerClient messenger;

    private static string message =

        "Thank you for leaving a message. \"{0}\" will reply ASAP.\r\n" +

        "This (example) plugin was created by Inky.";


    public void Initialize(MessengerClient messenger)


        this.messenger = messenger;


        messenger.AddInProperties.Creator = "Inky";

        messenger.AddInProperties.Description = "Away message sender (Plugin Example)";


        messenger.IncomingTextMessage += new EventHandler<IncomingTextMessageEventArgs>(this.OnIncomingMSG);



    private void OnIncomingMSG(object sender, IncomingTextMessageEventArgs args)



            string.Format(InkysPlugin.message, this.messenger.LocalUser.FriendlyName),





Sarebbe interessante realizzare un plugin made by Ugidotnet community...sono sicuro che in un futuro non troppo lontano i plug-in diventeranno parte integrante delle nostre attività...e non dico altro altrimenti vi svelo i miei piani su come conquistare il mondo :)

Print | posted on martedì 25 aprile 2006 00:57

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# re: Msn Plugin

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i will that
Left by lolo on nov 26, 2006 2:00

# re: Msn Plugin

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Left by moni on dic 22, 2006 12:35

# re: Msn Plugin

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nem tom hogy kell letölteni segíts
Left by moni on dic 22, 2006 12:36
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