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Se vedete qualche "malato" che suona il telefonino...

Sta solo giocando a Guitar Hero 3 per Windows Mobile:

I love this game on XBOX 360 and was so excited when I saw it available for Windows Mobile I immediately bought it!

You can buy Guitar Hero 3 either as a subscription where you get new songs every month or as a one off where you get 15 songs with the game!

You can see more details and buy the game HERE

Fonte: Guitar Hero 3 on Windows mobile

Print | posted on venerdì 11 aprile 2008 13:19 |



# re: Se vedete qualche "malato" che suona il telefonino...

Bellissimo!!!! leggevo proprio stamattina la notizia e....mi sa che fino a stasera lo prendo :D
11/04/2008 15:03 | Vito
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