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Perchè la prossima versione dei Reporting Services non userà IIS

Ci sono una serie di motivi... è sempre molto interessante capire il perchè di certe scelte architetturali.

If you have gotten a chance to try an early build of SQL Server Reporting 2008 Reporting Services, you know that one of the changes in the product is the removal of the Internet Information Services (IIS) dependency. I have gotten some questions about the motivation behind this change so I thought I would give you a quick peek behind the decision. The first reason we moved away from IIS is for better configuration. IIS was built several years ago to do lots of things, including serving up web pages...

Leggete il resto alla Fonte: Everybody (Why Leave IIS?)

Print | posted on martedì 4 dicembre 2007 23:48 |

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