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Peccato non avere il teletrasporto...

Altrimenti di giorno sarei stato al TechEd Developers, poi... zzap! p&p summit a Redmond. Chissà se in futuro potremo viaggiare anche noi come i neutrini che sono andati da Ginevra al Gran Sasso in qualche millesimo di secondo...

The next patterns & practices Summit takes place November 5 - 9 at the Microsoft Conference Center at Microsoft's main campus in Redmond, Washington. We have an impressive list of keynote speakers at this years' conference.

Keynote presentations by: Anders Hejlsberg, Steve McConnell, Scott Guthrie, Scott Hanselman, & John Lam

The international patterns & practices Summit showcases the official Microsoft "patterns and practices" for developers, designers, and solutions architects who need to learn how to integrate architectural design patterns and procedures with the technology provided by Microsoft's .NET platform.

If you haven't already registered, you can register for this summit by clicking here.

Fonte: p&p Summit is only two weeks away

Print | posted on sabato 20 ottobre 2007 23:01 | Filed Under [ TechEd ]

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