Altrimenti correte il rischio di vedere le vostre installazioni originali marcate come contraffatte.
Nel caso di problemi... c'è il workaround, ma è meglio evitare per ora...
Microsoft Windows Genuine Advantage servers all failed sometime earlier today.
It is highly recommended to avoid WGA if at all possible for the moment.
Update: Phil Liu, WGA Project Manager, says that he won't sleep until the problem is fixed. (via Ars Technica)
Update 2: As noted by Phil Liu:
Please go to and click VALIDATE WINDOWS to resolve this issue immediately.
Additionally, I know you all are looking for an explanation/root-cause. I will get that ASAP. We are aware it is a server-side issue - the cause is unknown at this current time.
Fonte: Microsoft WGA servers down; Windows XP and Vista installs being marked as counterfeit (Updated)