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Nuova versione di Windows Defender

E' disponibile la nuova versione dell'antiSpyware di Microsoft per Windows XP SP2 e Windows 2003 SP1. Windows 2000 non è più supportato perchè il suo ciclo di supporto è finito questo mese.

Lo trovate qui in versione x86 e qui in versione x64.

Ecco le novità:

  • A redesigned and simplified user interface
  • Improved detection and removal
  • Protection for all users
  • Support for 64-bit platforms, accessibility and localization
  • Delta definition updates

E soprattutto l'ultima:

  • WGA enforcement - There are significant risks to running non-genuine Windows. Only genuine Windows customers can receive product downloads, Windows updates and special offers. Windows Defender will validate that your copy of Windows is genuine before installation. Furthermore, Windows Defender will only remove Severe threats for machines that are not genuine. Low, Medium and High threats will be detected, but not removed unless your copy of Windows is genuine.

Print | posted on martedì 24 ottobre 2006 10:06 |

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