Si preannuncia uno spettacolo il nuovo tool in beta in questi giorni...
Spero che mi accettino presto...
Queste le feature iniziali:
- Hotspot locator: Provides you with the ability to search for free and fee-based wireless networks in countries around the world. The locator shows you the address, description, available amenities, service providers and shows you a map of the location.
- Network Management: Helps you see what networks are available and makes it easy to get technical information about them, including their security configuration, signal strength, etc. In addition, you can tag networks as ‘favorites’ for future connections, track connection history, and manage network preferences.
- Security: Our built-in security, using VPN technology, allows you to secure a wireless Internet connection on unsecured networks like those in hotels and coffee shops. This security feature comes free with the Windows Live WiFi Center product.
L'ultima promette di essere una bomba...
Altre info e istruzioni per partecipare alla beta qui...