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Microsoft Virtual WiFi

Penso alle applicazioni anche in campo di Virtual Machines... più VM collegate a più hotspot... uhm... mi vengono i brividi...

Microsoft Research: VirtualWiFi is a virtualization architecture for wireless LAN (WLAN) cards. It abstracts a single WLAN card to appear as multiple virtual WLAN cards to the user. The user can then configure each virtual card to connect to a different wireless network. Therefore, VirtualWiFi allows a user to simultaneously connect his machine to multiple wireless networks using just one WLAN card.
We have implemented VirtualWiFi over Windows XP. The current version is a prototype implementation of VirtualWiFi, and we are in the process of making our software more robust to include more features.

[... CUT ...]

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Fonte: Microsoft Virtual WiFi

Print | posted on martedì 18 ottobre 2005 18:09 |

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