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NUnit Converter V1.0 RC1

Visto che ieri sera ho postato sulle news di UGI della nuova versione di NUnit, per par conditio stamattina posto del converter per VSTS... è ancora una RC1, quindi non ancora pronta... ma quasi!

The first Release Candidate of the NUnit Converter has been uploaded to the GotDotNet workspace. It supports the following:

  • NUnit 2.1 and 2.2
  • Visual Studio 2005 Team System - Released Version
    • Developer Suite
    • Team Suite
  • Guidance Automation Extensions - December 2005 CTP

You can download the release here.

In the Release Notes I have detailed the steps required to convert existing code. The document also details differences between the tools that you will need to be aware of before converting from NUnit to Visual Studio 2005 Team System.

I have had a lot of help and feedback on the tool. Thanks to the people who have participated on the workspace. Lastly, I would like specifically acknowledge Scott Densmore, Peter Provost and Brian Button.

Fonte: NUnit Converter V1.0 RC1

Print | posted on lunedì 19 dicembre 2005 11:13 |

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