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Virtual Server 2005 R2 RTMs

Mah... strano... non pensavo proprio che proprio oggi... giorno di apertura dell'IT Forum... venisse annunciata la RTM di Virtual Server 2005 R2...

Hi All,

Well - Virtual Server 2005 R2 has RTM'd.  Some high level details of the changes in Virtual Server 2005 R2 are as follows:


  • Virtual Server host clustering. Support for host-to-host connectivity lets you cluster all virtual machines running on a host.
  • iSCSI support. iSCSI clustering enables guest-to-guest connectivity across physical machines.
  • x64 support. Virtual Server runs natively within a 64-bit Windows host operating system, providing increased performance and memory headroom.
  • Enhanced PXE booting. Virtual Server now includes improved hyperthreading, support for F6 Disk (SCSI driver), and virtual disk pre-compactor functionality.
  • Performance improvements.

For more details checkout:


Fonte: Virtual Server 2005 R2 RTMs

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Print | posted on martedì 15 novembre 2005 12:27 |

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