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Chiusa la beta di Virtual Server 2005 R2

Mi è arrivata la mail di chiusura della beta di Virtual Server 2005 R2 (l'ex SP1).

Non vedo l'ora di poter scaricare la versione completa!

Eccone uno stralcio:

As you might have noticed, we've changed the product name from Virtual Server 2005 SP1 to Virtual Server 2005 R2. When we sat back and took a look at all the new functionality we added in this release, we realized that it was much more than a typical service pack. Some of the key features of this release are:

  • High Availability
    • Clustering virtual machines across hosts
    • Host clustering support
  • Greater Scalability
    • 64-bit (x64) host support
  • Improved Performance
    • Up to 50% drop in CPU utilization
  • Improved Manageability
    • PXE network boot support
  • Better Interoperability
    • Linux guest support

Print | posted on giovedì 10 novembre 2005 08:56 |

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