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MSN Messenger sta evolvendo...

A new build of MSN Messenger 7 has been sent to BETA-testers just moments ago.

msn messenger 7.0.632 beta audio iconUPDATE: One noticable change is the new Audio icon in conversation windows. Apart from that, this non-public build 7.0.632 looks no different than the leaked 604 build.

The following Known Issues have been reported by Microsoft:

- Winks from 7.0.632 can only be sent to another build 7.0.632. The leaked build (7.0.604) and the public beta (7.0.425) cannot receive winks from the latest BETA (this will be fixed in the refresh). Issues may be experienced with Winks if the installed version of Macromedia Flash is not up to date.

- New MSN Mobile features such as sending a text message to a contact from your mobile phone or Offline Messaging will not be immediately available.

- The MSN Messenger BETA build will not be added to major firewall provider safelists and may cause firewall software to display a security error.

- Full-screen Video Conversations may crash on Windows 98.

- Installation of the BETA version on Windows Media Center Edition is not supported.

- It is recommended that Windows 98 and Windows ME users upgrade to Internet Explorer 6.0 before running the new BETA.

- Some international character sets or "Double Byte Character Sets" may overlap or cause the font and/or font size to change.

- The "Customer Experience Improvement Program" menu item under Help may be inactive. To get around this, please click on Tools > Options > General.

- When signing in as anything but "Online", the ad in the main window is not clickable.


Print | posted on venerdì 4 marzo 2005 00:54 |

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