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CodeVeil: Don't Just Confuse Hackers, Stop Them!

Un nuovo obfuscator è appena stato rilasciato da

XHEO was the first to bring licensing to .NET and now XHEO is the first to bring you this level of protection from reverse-engineering and modification. With our patent-pending encryption technology you can truly deploy with confidence.

With CodeVeil you can encrypt your .NET application's and DLLs before releasing them to the public. CodeVeil will add native code to the assembly to decrypt the assembly just before the .NET runtime needs access to the data. The decoder includes anti-debugging, anti-tracing, modification tracking, and various other advanced techniques to prevent unauthorized access and modification of your assemblies. And, veiled assemblies can be used just like any other assembly. No third party dll is required with your distribution!

Utile per la valutazione la comparazione con altri prodotti. Il prezzo di $899 lo rende un buon candidato.


# re: CodeVeil: Don't Just Confuse Hackers, Stop Them!

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Solo in questi giorni il prodotto di Xheo ha avuto un certa attenzione nel mondo dei blog, mia (e credo vostra) fonte di news e feedback ed ecco spiegato perchè per me era nuovo..

Rispetto ai 1500/2000$ dei prodotti in commercio, gli 899$ di Xheo sono convenienti, certo non come i 350$ di ;-) 24/02/2006 18:29 | Marco Trova

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