dicembre 2003 Blog Posts

Sono appena uscite su MSDN le specifiche per l’uso di Kerberos con WS-Security.

Le trovate al link: http://msdn.microsoft.com/webservices/understanding/specs/default.aspx?pull=/library/en-us/dnglobspec/html/ws-security-kerberos.asp.  

Promozione MSDN Universal 3+2 Easy Open

Se ci sono 5 sviluppatori nella vostra azienda e avete bisogno di fornire loro MSDN è possibile farlo risparmiando il 40% circa.  (ma solo fino alla fine dell'anno) Qui trovate le informazioni: http://www.microsoft.com/italy/msdn/subscriptions/promo/

Office Solution Accelerator for XBRL

Oggi  mi hanno chiesto se conoscevo XBRL e qual'è la posizione di Microsoft relativamente a questo standard.E dato che non sapevo cos'è XBRL (ormai tutto è XMLqualchecosa, e non ce la faccio più a rimanere aggiornato), o fatto qualche ricerca.Credo che quello che ho trovato possa interessare chi di voi ha a che fare con dati finanziari.... La definizione:Short for Extensible Business Reporting Language, an XML-based specification for publishing the financial information of an enterprise. The standardization of the specification makes it easier for public and private companies to share information with each other and with industry analysts across all software formats...

Logo .NET Connected , come ottenerlo gratuitamente

Avete sviluppato un'applicazione sul .NET framework, esponete o consumate web services e siete in possesso di un certificato VeriSign (o siete disposti ad acquistarlo) ? Se si, avete la possibilità di ottenere il logo gratuitamente (fino al 15 di Febbraio). Qui tutte le informazioni: http://www.microsoft.com/net/logo/ready.asp

Application Interoperability: Microsoft .NET and J2EE

The Platform Architecture Guidance (PAG) group is pleased to announce the latest in the series of Microsoft patterns & practices: “Application Interoperability: Microsoft .NET and J2EE” Patterns & Practices    Deliverable Type: þ       Reference Architecture ¨       Reference Building Block ¨      Solution Patterns ¨      Operational Practice The complete guide and code is available for download on MSDN at: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnpag/html/jdni.asp

Published Last Week on MSDN Online

Monday, December 08, 2003 The following was published last week on http://msdn.microsoft.com. New Content MSDN Webcasts .NET: .NET Framework MSDN TV: Code Correctness with FxCophttp://msdn.microsoft.com/msdntv/episode.aspx?xml=episodes/en/20031204FxCopMM/manifest.xml Technical Articles .NET: Windows Server System Understanding BizTalk Server 2004http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/bts2004is/htm/understanding_abstract_SYFS.asp .NET: ASP.NET Examining the skmMenu Server Controlhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/asp.net/using/building/webcontrols/default.aspx?pull=/library/en-us/dnaspp/html/aspnet-examine-skmmenusrvrcntrl.asp Using Visual SourceSafe for ASP.NET—Start to Finishhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/asp.net/using/understanding/data/default.aspx?pull=/library/en-us/dnaspp/html/vssstarttofinish.asp Tips for Successful Data Accesshttp://msdn.microsoft.com/asp.net/using/understanding/data/default.aspx?pull=/library/en-us/dnaspp/html/DataReader.asp Security EncryptTo/DecryptTo: Encryption in .NET with CryptoAPI Certificate Storeshttp://msdnprod/library/?url=/library/en-us/dndotnet/html/encryptdecrypt2a.asp Technical Articles w/Code Sample Mobility: Smartphone Crafting Smartphone User Interfaces using .NET Compact Frameworkhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/mobility/default.aspx?pull=/library/en-us/dnsmtphn2k3/html/grfCraftingSmartphoneUserInterfacesUsingNETCompactFramework.asp Develop for Windows Mobile 2003 for Smartphone Using .NET Compact Frameworkhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/mobility/?pull=/library/en-us/dnsmtphn2k3/html/Smartphone_2003.asp Revised Content Columns Productivity: Office 2003 Office Talk: The Definitive "Hello World" Custom Research Service Tutorialhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnofftalk/html/office11062003.asp Technical Articles .NET: Visual C# .NET An Extensive Examination of Data Structures – Part 1: An Introduction to Data Structureshttp://msdn.microsoft.com/vcsharp/default.aspx?pull=/library/en-us/dv_vstechart/html/datastructures_guide.asp

Disponibile il DVD e lo streaming on-line di tutte le sessioni della PDC

Non siete andati alla PDC, ma vorreste vedere ed ascoltare tutte le sessioni?Siete andati alla PDC e vorreste vedere ed ascoltare le sessioni che avete perso? Potete ordinare il DVD qui: http://msdn.microsoft.com/events/pdc/after/default.aspx. Il DVD costa 400$ (199$ per chi ha partecipato alla PDC) In alternativa potete vedere ed ascoltare le sessioni on-line (gratis) qui:http://microsoft.sitestream.com/PDC2003/Default.htm      

Announcing the Microsoft Office System Developer Kit 2003!

Come discover the power and flexibility of the Microsoft Office System platform. This CD resource kit contains SDKs, white papers, code samples, demonstrations, and other valuable resources for developers currently building – and those looking to begin creating – solutions on the Microsoft Office System platform. Resources included for:  Microsoft Office Access 2003 Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Microsoft Office InfoPath 2003 Microsoft Office Live Communication Server 2003 Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 Microsoft Office Visio 2003 Microsoft Office Word 2003 Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Microsoft Office...

Come ottenere la licenza degli schema XML di Office o su FAT o ClearType o ....

Il sito è questo: http://www.microsoft.com/mscorp/ip/ Un articolo che ne parla: Microsoft Unveils New Policy On Intellectual Property Access It will create licensing programs offering access to a broad range of copyrights, trademarks, file formats and schema, software technology and Microsoft-developed standards specifications. http://www.computerworld.com/newsletter/0,4902,87776,00.html?nlid=PM  

I prossimi WebCast in Italiano dal 4 al 19 Dicembre

Webcast in italiano  Assisti alle presentazioni "dal vivo" tenute da esperti di tecnologie Microsoft: oltre a seguire le sessioni potrai interagire con lo speaker e ottenere risposte in tempo reale alle tue domande. Tuttle info su: http://www.microsoft.com/italy/msdn/webcast/ Per maggiori informazioni sui Webcast e/o per supporto tecnico contattaci a questo indirizzo di mail: itamsdnw@microsoft.com  Windows Sharepoint Services e SharePoint Portal Server Sharepoint Overview Parte IIFabio Santini (Microsoft)4 Dicembre dalle 14.30 alle 16.00Questo è il secondo appuntamento dedicato a Windows Sharepoint Services e SharePoint Portal Server. Durante questa sessione si realizzeranno delle Webpart con Visual Studio .NET e dei custom template. Lo scopo della sessione...

Published Last Week on MSDN Online

Monday, December 01, 2003The following was published last week on http://msdn.microsoft.com.See a full list of the most recently published MSDN headlines at http://msdn.microsoft.com/recent/default.aspx. Get the latest MSDN headlines sent to you via an RSS feed or the MSDN Flash Newsletter..New ContentColumnsWindowsThe Business of Software: Finance for Geekshttp://msdn.microsoft.com/Longhorn/default.aspx?pull=/library/en-us/dnsoftware/html/software11242003.aspPrinted pages 8 Columns w/Code Sample.NET: XML Web ServicesExtreme XML: EXSLT Meets XPathhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnexxml/html/xml11172003.aspPrinted pages 12 Technical ArticlesProductivity: Office 2003Using the Microsoft Office Live Communications Server APIhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/odc_lc2003_ta/html/odc_LCUse_LCSAPI.aspPrinted pages 26Call Custom Microsoft VBA Code From a Managed COM Add-in in the Microsoft Office Systemhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dno2k3ta/html/odc_OFCallVBAFromAddin.aspPrinted pages 9Windows: Windows XPUsing the RTC Client APIhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnrtcclnt/html/UseRTCClnt.aspPrinted pages 45Windows: Windows EmbeddedWindows Media Overview and Optimization for Windows CE...