Entity Framework

There are 3 entries for the tag Entity Framework
Rilasciato l'Entity Framework Beta 2 e i Tools

Da poco rilasciata per il download la beta 2 dell' Entity Framework e anche i nuovi Entity Framework Tools. Queste le novita': Events to customize code generation Abstract types in EDM models Complex types <Using> support in metadata files Entity key serialization Increased persistence ignorance in entity data classes Improved connection management in ObjectContext Improved DataBinding usability Metadata annotations Better support for span over LINQ to Entities queries Improvements to LINQ queries: additional canonical functions and automatic mapping from CLR functions to server functions A new event for extensibility...

posted @ martedì 28 agosto 2007 03:17 | Feedback (0)

Chi va al TechEd?

Technorati Tags: TechEd, LINQ, Entity Framework Mi raccomando andate a parlare con il team di ADO.NET per il focus group su LINQ e EDM: "The Microsoft LINQ/EDM team would like to invite TechEd 2007 attendees to take part in helping to define the direction of LINQ to Entities (LINQ/EDM).  Come meet with the SQL Server product team members to provide your input to the future of and evaluative feedback on a range of LINQ/EDM topics!  Participants will take part in a focus group session where they will share needs and preferences that will help shape LINQ/EDM. " Are you Attending...

posted @ mercoledì 30 maggio 2007 13:44 | Feedback (2)

Entity Data Model Designer

Technorati Tags: EDM, Entity Framework, Entity Data Model, Orcas, Designer Entity Framework...come mappare le entities sulle tabelle del database? Semplice...basta usare l'EDM Designer...peccato che non e' finito e sopratutto non sara' incluso nella RTM di Orcas....mavaffan.... Speriamo sia rilasciato come update poco dopo. E' comunque interessante...per adesso si possono mappare tabelle multiple sulla singola entity, normalizzare etc, come mostrato nella demo: Entity Data Model Designer Vedremo come sara' la versione finale....

posted @ giovedì 26 aprile 2007 16:33 | Feedback (2)