Non è un errore di ortografia... Nella CTP di Gennaio di Orcas è inclusa la prima release pubblica del .NET Compact Framework 3.5:
This release of NETCF does not include the complete list of features but is a step toward the final feature set. New builds of NETCF will be included in each new public drop of Orcas with the majority of features being included by Orcas Beta1.
Le principali novità di questa release, rispetto al .NET Compact Framework 2.0 SP1, sono le seguenti:
- System.IO.Compression support, including support for HTTP compression.
- Support for a subset of Linq’s Standard Query Operators.
- SoundPlayer support using WaveOut allowing for multiple sounds to play at once.
- New API in Microsoft.WindowsCE.Forms for easily distinguishing Smartphone and Pocket PC.
- Allow Nested FuncEval's.
- Enhanced logging for interop functionality with native code.
- Stack Trace Enhancements.
- GAC Improvements.
- Allow for StrongName keys greater than 1024 long.
- To improved logging of finalizer activities to enhance product supportability.
- Allow log files to be read at runtime.
Maggiori informazioni sono disponibili sul blog del .NET Compact Framework Team.