Coaching Self-Organising Teams

This April in Helsinki I have attended the course Coaching Self-Organizing Teams by Joseph Pelrine.

During the course I've been able to find the answers for many practical questions :
  • what really is serf-organization and what is not ?

  • what is the 'self' in a self-organising system, and for a team ?

  • beyond mathematical and biological models (people are not ants: have intelligence, awareness, free will and purposes) what can explain social complex systems like teams ?

  • which preconditions are required to have a self-organising team, and which can be sufficient ?

  • which models can explain and describe the behaviors of a self-organising team ?

  • which levers are effective to direct and influence the emergent behavior patterns of a self-organising team ?

The course give many models and describe many practical levers useful  to reach the understanding of how  self-organising teams work and how to direct and influence them toward positive directions to the advantage of the organization and to the team success.
There is also plenty of course material, included the draft of the book Joseph is writing, to deepen the theory and the practices of the topics discussed. So I'll write more posts while reading and reflecting of the course and how to apply what I've learned.

Here you can find video and links to Joseph presentations and materials for the topics discussed and deepened during the course:
- Coaching Self-Organising Teams
- More resources/links from Joseph
- Dealing With the Organizational Challenges of Agile Adoption

If you are interested to know when will be organized the next public course about CSOT by Joseph in Helsinki (that is not very often since Joseph is quite busy), get in touch with Huima

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Print | posted @ martedì 12 aprile 2011 01:20

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