giugno 2012 Blog Posts

Summer posts selection

A selection of the best posts in English, for summer reading. Agile Foundations The dimensions of Agile Requirement's principles Small steps Vs ongoing big changes Doing Agile & Being Agile The most difficult things in Agile It is not possible to estimate what? Agile & Management Modern Leadership Traditional/Modern Management More on traditional and modern management Characteristics of Agile and Traditional Organizations The "Command and Control"...

Selezione estiva di post in italiano

Una selezione dei post in italiano piu interessanti, da leggere per l'estate. Le  tecniche descritte nel libro Working Effectively with legacy code Tutti i link raccolti qui Storia Informatica La storia dell'informatica Passione per l'informatica Le origini del calcolo digitale & la storia dell'informatica Sulle regole, sulla autorità e sul dissentire Dire di no Disciplina, è utile? a cosa? e come? Ancora sulla disciplina di un team Disciplina non significa comportamento autoritario ...

On following the rules and questioning the rules

A rule is useful when set boundaries a person can benefit from: 1) The rule must be good & 2) The person must be capable to benefit from it The 2nd point is important too ! For example ignoring 1) can lead to assertions like Financial market don't need regulations or ignoring 2) can lead to assertions like We can export democracy.  We all know the results. On rigid and brittle rules: ABIDE model: Barriers On authority, discipline and dissent: When diversity, dissent and responsibility lack A book: Saying no, Asha Phillips This give me an interesting suggestion on questioning the...

Why Complicate Software Projects ?

Dear Customer The Truth About IT Projects Why COMPLICATE Software Projects ? Want an estimation? .... Ask the best possible guess to the same team that will develop the system Want to know the real progress of the project? .... Deliver the system incrementally, early and often Want to accelerate the progress of the project? .... Ask people to frequently reflect on how to improve and support them in removing the obstacles Want to know if the users will like the product? .... Ask marketing to find alpha/beta users and deliver them a working system iteratively, early and often Want to know...