Qui sotto riporto le prime 4 domande dai test che ho acquistato da www.boson.com per l'esame 70-316, scelte a caso, fra quelle che io ho sbagliato in questi giorni. Non dico ancora le risposte esatte, le commenterò in un post domani o dopodomani. Provateci voi!
How do you deploy a .NET application?
A) .NET application do not require an installer
B) Using the Package and Deployment Wizard
C) by toggling the package option in the Build dialog
D) Using a setup and deployment project
What method of the ContextMenu, MainMenu and MenuItem classes can you use to merge MenuItem objects from one menu with the current menu?
A) CloneMenu
B) CombineMenu
C) Add
D) MergeMenu
Which window displayed variables used in the current statement and the previous (for VB it displays the current and three statements on either side) ?
A) Locals Window
B) Autos Window
C) Immediate Window
D) Watch Window
Which of the following is not true of Satellite Assemblies?
A) They only contain resource files
B) You can easily replace or update resources without replacing the application main assembly
C) Each Satellite assembly is culture specific
D) They contain application code
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Aggiornamento: ecco le risposte esatte!!!