Error: The language-neutral solution package was not found

Altro giro altro errore sul deploy di un progetto WebPart:

Error: The language-neutral solution package was not found

La solutione l'ho trovata quì:

In pratica nel file solution.xml il nome del progetto da deployare è diverso da quello che avete nella solution.

  1. Chiudete Visual Studio
  2. Modificate il file solution.xml
  3. Riaprite il progetto e deployate


posted @ venerdì 24 aprile 2009 17:36


Comments on this entry:

# re: Error: The language-neutral solution package was not found

Left by jifenoded at 05/09/2018 02:06
The food menu sold by the talk to sonic company are hamburgers, French fries, onion rings, corn dogs, chili dogs and breakfast toasters and sandwiches.
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