Un ottimo articolo di Roy Osherove su MSDN magazine di
gennaio, sui principali errori che si commettono quando si inizia
scrivere unit tests per fare Test Driven
"In this article, I'll try to bring you some of the most important
practices I've learned over the years while developing and consulting, and
while training developers. These tips should help you write effective,
maintainable, and robust unit tests. And I hope this advice helps you to avoid
huge amounts of wasted time and effort."
Una delle parti che piu' mi sono
"How do you know if you have good
coverage for your new code? Try removing a line or a constraint check. If all
tests still pass, you don't have enough code coverage and you probably need to
add another unit test. The best way to make sure you are adding the correct
test is to not uncomment that line or check until you produce a test that
fails until you do uncomment it. This may be hard, but if you can't think of a
way to make this code fail, you probably don't have a good reason for writing
that line of code in the first place."
Praticamente se c'e' una linea
di codice non coperta da test, e non so come scrivere un test che la copra,
probabilmente quel codice non dovrebbe essere li. Il che mi fa capire
che ho sbagliato il design e ho scritto
codice che non mi servira'.
Questo, secondo me, sintetizza in poche
righe una buona parte della filosofia TDD.
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