Impressionante come verra implementata la connessione remota a Vista tramite terminal services/remote desktop.

Essendo Windows Presentation Foundation costruito sopra a Windows Graphic Foundation (le nuove DirectX), gli effetti grafici di Vista vengono implementati usando pesantemente la scheda grafica. Chiaramente non e' possibile eseguire tutto cio' direttamente sul client.

Cosa succede allora... praticamente non verra' spedita tutta la grafica al computer client come succede adesso, ma il server invece di renderizzare in locale, mandera' i comandi grafici di WGF/DirectX al client dove verranno renderizzati dalle WGF/DirectX del client. Quindi tutte le operazioni grafiche sono eseguite sul client, riducendo il carico sul server e sulla rete.

Windows Presentation Foundation will support remoting at a higher level than DirectX. When remoting, Windows Presentation Foundation will not rasterize on the server machine but instead will send higher level graphics instructions to the client machine and then call DirectX on the client machine.

This will enable a system to send less data over the network as well as reducing the server load because all graphics operations will run on the client machine. The system will also get higher performance and fidelity rendering and animations because there will be no need to round trip data across the network since the operations will be retained on the client machine.


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