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TIBCO, WCF e Silverlight

Due annunci che sembrano scollegati, ma che fanno capire quanto il mercato sia maturo per entrambe le tecnologie (WCF & Silverlight):

At their user conference in San Francisco yesterday, TIBCO announced two integration initiatives to bring the TIBCO and Microsoft platforms closer together.

  • TIBCO is developing a TIBCO EMS transport channel for WCF. Although Microsoft doesn't have a formal certification process for releasing third-party WCF components, I got to do some code and design reviews over the last few months with the TIBCO developers to understand the work that they are doing. I am very pleased that it was possible to make TIBCO EMS fit naturally into the WCF model. This integration work benefits both Microsoft and TIBCO customers by expanding the reach of applications on each platform. I fully support the partner ecosystem in delivering WCF components and connectivity options that go beyond what Microsoft provides in the framework.
  • TIBCO is also going to be making use of Silverlight for development and deployment of Internet applications. Silverlight allows developers to reuse much of the tooling and knowledge that they have from desktop development when creating browser-based applications.

Fonte: TIBCO Announces WCF Integration

Print | posted on giovedì 1 maggio 2008 18:09 |

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