Brian ha postato le configurazioni consigliate per TFS 2008. I progressi sono molto interessanti!
There's several things to note about this.
- There's fewer configs than we published in TFS 2005 - We found that the extra 2 configs really didn't add much value given the current hardware market.
- All of the user ratings are higher than for similar configs in TFS 2005 - as I said, we did a lot of performance work
. And these improvements are in spite of the fact that we raised the load per user significantly. - The hardware configs don't match - Unfortunately in the intervenening 2 years (almost), we've had changes in the hardware in our lab and this is what we had available. You will note that we generally increased the memory recommendations and that's based on our experience over the past couple of years.
- We added a TFS proxy for the higher end configurations - Proxies offload some of the download activity from the TFS server. The performance benefit isn't huge but many of our larger installations use them so we've added them to the mix.
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