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10 fatti sui profitti di Microsoft

Che dire... sti .....!!! 

Già mi vedo gli strali di fanatici del FOSS, della mela, della grande G (ma non era un punto una volta? smile_regular), commissari europei, adoratori della command line, del caffè, della coca cola, e chi più ne ha più ne metta... ma devo dire che ci vuole una grande capacità a mandare avanti una baracca come quella...

I'd like to share an interesting article on Microsoft's profits a while ago:

10 Reinvigorating Facts About Microsoft's Profits


Microsoft last week announced quarterly revenue of $14.4 billion and net income of $4.93 billion. In other words, Microsoft's daily net income is about $55 million. That's $55 million in pure profit every 24 hours. Do some quick math and you'll learn it takes Microsoft only about...

  • 10 hours or so (yes, hours!) to exceed Red Hat's (NYSE: RHT - News) quarterly net income of $20.5 million.
  • four days to exceed Research In Motion's (NasdaqGS: RIMM) quarterly net income of $187.9 million.
  • four days to exceed Starbucks' (NasdaqGS: SBUX) quarterly net income of $205 million.
  • one week to exceed Nike's (NYSE: NKE - News) quarterly net income of $350.8 million.
  • two weeks to exceed McDonalds' (NYSE: MCD - News) quarterly net income of $762 million.
  • two weeks to exceed Apple's (NasdaqGS: AAPL) quarterly net income of $770 million.
  • 18 days to exceed Google's (NasdaqGS: GOOG) quarterly net income of $1 billion.
  • 23 days to exceed Coca-Cola's (NYSE: KO - News) quarterly net income of $1.26 billion.
  • five weeks to exceed IBM's (NYSE: IBM - News) quarterly net income of $1.85 billion.
  • 10 weeks to exceed Wal-Mart's (NYSE: WMT - News) quarterly net income of $3.9 billion.
  • Fonte: 10 Reinvigorating Facts About Microsoft's Profits

    Print | posted on lunedì 28 maggio 2007 10:48 |

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