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Una nuova utilità che permette di gestire le Build senza aprire il Team Explorer. Secondo me le build vanno automatizzate "un po' di più...", ma volete mettere per il release manager non dover aprire Visual Studio 2005 ogni volta? 

Dudu Shamaya is an experienced codesmith who is recently focusing on TFS customization and tooling. Dudu has published a new utility  on CodePlex called TFSBuildManger. The utility manages build types outside the IDE and includes some very usefull feature like:

  • start and stop a build
  • change the build quality
  • delete or backup a build
  • edit the build type

The utility is a substantial edition to the growing list of community TFS utils.

Fonte: New TFS Utility - TFSBuildManager

Print | posted on giovedì 11 gennaio 2007 17:24 |

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