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Best Practices per la gestione di uno User Group

Chissà se può interessare ad Andrea, Michele, Fabio, e a tutti quelli che quest'anno hanno fatto o faranno il grande passo di aprire uno user group!

INETA is doing a live webcast today covering the Best Practices for Running a User Group today at 3:30PM EST.

Best Practices for Running a User Group
June 28th, 2006 - 3:30PM EST

Running a user group is not an easy task. However luckily by being part of INETA you are connected to network of peers that have experienced all aspects of user group leadership from start-up to success. This webcast will be a panel based discussion featuring experts such as Chris Williams, INETA Membership Manager NC, SC and D'Arcy Lussier, INETA Membership Manager, Central Canada.

Come and join the conversation on important user group topics such as:
Building a Leadership Team
Picking a Location
Running a Successful Event
Working with Sponsors

If you're like me and won't be able to make it, then don't worry. 

The session will be recorded and archived for future reference.

Fonte: Best Practices for Running a User Group

Print | posted on giovedì 29 giugno 2006 10:35 | Filed Under [ Community e amici ]

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