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Come installare Virtual Server su Vista Beta 2...

Quasi quasi spiano il PC, metto su solo Vista (al posto del dual boot) e lavoro con le cose vecchie in una VM...

People have been asking me how to install Virtual Server on Windows Vista Beta 2.  There are a couple of things to know in order to do this:

  1. The default install of IIS on Windows Vista Beta 2 is missing several components the Virtual Server needs to run.  Most importantly it does not support CGI applications or Windows authentication.(I have attached this command in a text file to help with running it)

    Once you have done this you should be able to install Virtual Server (remember to launch the installer 'as administrator').
  2. In order to access Virtual Server, you will need to launch Internet Explorer 'as Administrator' and manually go to the Virtual Server website (http://localhost/VirtualServer/vswebapp.exe)

With these two simple steps - you should be able to use Virtual Server on Windows Vista Beta 2 with no problems.

Leggete tutto alla fonte: Installing Virtual Server on Windows Vista Beta 2

Print | posted on martedì 6 giugno 2006 12:04 |

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