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Model-Driven Development of .NET Enterprise Applications

Con Visual Studio 2005 e i DSL Tools... Su MSDN...

Un passaggio interessante:

Notably, over the past decade UML has been the de facto standard for software modeling. The base constructs of the UML meta-model, such as classes, association, generalization, and so on, have little semantic meaning. Thus, in order to interpret and perform meaningful computations on a model the base constructs must be extended with domain-specific information. This approach provides the necessary semantic meaning and the constraints necessary to support meaningful automated code generation. The Domain Concept editor in the Domain Specific Languages Tools supports a UML-like notation that allows a software architect to perform this task by defining the domain-specific concepts, their attributes, and relationships between them. The domain model is persisted in an XML format. The domain model is used to generate a domain-specific API and to extend the Visual Studio development environment with the custom designer. This approach allows a software architect to create reusable domain-specific languages that can capture reusable analysis patterns and standards, such as the Healthcare HL7 standard, Sarbanes Oxley, and so on.

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Print | posted on martedì 23 maggio 2006 00:23 |

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