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Botta... risposta... ribotta... ririsposta...

Microsoft rilascia il formato VHD a gratis e abbassa il prezzo di VS2005R2 a 99$...

VMware regala VMware Server...

Microsoft regala Virtual Server 2005 R2...

VMware rilascia il formato del suo hd virtuale:

VMware is taking another step to try to maintain its market dominance. VMware announced today that it is opening its virtual machine disk format specification to allow other vendors to use it in their products.

Technically, VMware is not releasing the disk format under an open source license -- or, really, any license. According to Dan Chu, VMware's senior director of developer and ISV products, the company will release "language to make sure folks are comfortable," but the company will not require developers to accept any license terms in order to have access to the format. "We're taking it even further; you don't even have to enter into a specific open source license [to use the format]."

Adoro la competizione...

Print | posted on martedì 4 aprile 2006 00:05 |



# re: Botta... risposta... ribotta... ririsposta...

XP Pro... su XP Home non va...
04/04/2006 17:51 | Lorenzo Barbieri
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