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Promozione sulla Visual Studio Team Suite...

Una promozione interessante soprattutto per chi aveva fatto il passaggio da una MSDN Universal a una delle Team Edition... affrettatevi... scade il 30 giugno...

Microsoft is currently offering a promotion for users of Visual Studio Team Edition for Architects/Developers/Testers to move to the Team Suite at a highly discounted price.

If you currently own Visual Studio Team Edition for Architects/Developers/Testers with MSDN Premium subscription, you can upgrade to the Team Suite by paying the SA (software assurance) price difference. This promotion expires on June 30th, 2006 and you must have purchased a current Visual Studio Team Edition (Architect/Developer/Tester) with MSDN Premium by March 31st, 2006 in order to participate.

How much do you save $$$? You can save nearly $4000.

Fonte: Visual Studio Team Suite Promotion

Print | posted on mercoledì 1 febbraio 2006 20:29 |

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