L'ho trovato nel Newsgroup di Virtual Server (grazie a Andrew Dugdell per la segnalazione)
WSSRA Virtual Environments for Development and Test (WSSRA-VE) is an extension of the WSSRA Implementation Guides. It describes the architectural blueprint, planning considerations, deployment practices, and operational considerations to create and support virtualized instantiation of the Windows Server System Reference Architecture. It leverages the power of Virtual Server 2005 and automated deployment and configuration tools to minimize the physical infrastructure and logistical overhead necessary to deploy emulations of various data center services.
Molto interessante, ora lo scarico... poi nella prossima vita troverò il tempo di leggerlo e provarlo... nessun volontario?
Download: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=5CE8F01D-A421-4DA8-9144-FBAF44E62C34&displaylang=en