Che dire... fate incetta (se proprio volete ancora farvi del male...) fin che potete...
In keeping with the retirement scheduled for Visual Studio and VB 6, both products will be removed from MSDN subscriber downloads. If you've ever wanted a copy of either program, then you have until December 16th to download it. I'm sure the VB6 separatists have many copies archived already.
In keeping with the retirement scheduled for Visual Studio and VB 6, both products will be removed from MSDN subscriber downloads.
If you've ever wanted a copy of either program, then you have until December 16th to download it.
I'm sure the VB6 separatists have many copies archived already.
Fonte: VB 6 To Removed from MSDN This Month
Print | posted on venerdì 9 dicembre 2005 00:38 |
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