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Attenzione a compattare un disco virtuale differenziale con undo abilitato.

Preso dalle release notes di VS2005R2:

When compacting a differencing disk that is attached to a virtual machine with Undo Disks enabled, any changes saved in an undo disk (.vud) file will be lost. This occurs because compacting the differencing disk makes the undo disk file unusable. To help prevent data loss, commit the changes stored in the .vud file when you shut down or turn off the virtual machine before you compact any disks attached to that machine.

Prima o poi devo aggiornare l'articolo... ora si applica a VPC, ma dovrei estenderlo per Virtual Server e introdurre anche queste cose...

Ad avere il tempo...

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Print | posted on martedì 15 novembre 2005 13:56 |

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