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Evitate Setup e TearDown quando scrivete gli unit test...

Non lo dico io, ma Brian Button, uno dei creatori di EntLib...

Leggete l'articolo, è molto interessante... soprattutto questa parte:

What about Once and Only Once?

I fully understand,appreciate, and follow the Once and Only Once (OAOO) mantra of the agile movement. But this mantra has to be taken in its context — it is a part of the definition of SimpleDesign. SimpleDesign means to write the system such that these things are true:

  1. Code is appropriate for its audience
  2. Communicates its intent clearly
  3. Each concept is represented once and only once
  4. Expressed in as few classes as possible
  5. Expressed in as few methods as possible

in that order! If you look carefully at that list, communication is #2 on the list, while OAOO is #3. This means the communication trumps a little duplication. Part of becoming more experienced at TDD, Refactoring, and Simple Design is knowing when it is appropriate to leave in a little duplication to enhance communication. And I think this is one of those times.

There is definitely a price to pay for it, however. Since the setup and teardown logic are potentially duplicated among a bunch of similar unit tests, you have to change each of them individually should the logic change. I’ve paid that price a bunch of times in the past, but I still believe that the gains in communication outweigh the cost of the replicated changes. YMMV

Print | posted on lunedì 14 novembre 2005 12:08 |

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