Il mio amico Darrell mette nella giusta prospettiva il
pricing di Team System anche per piccole realtà.
Let’s put this in perspective. The current list price for MSDN
Universal is around $2,800. For access to everything with an upgrade you will
pay a total of $4,000.
This works out to an increase of $100 PER
Now, if all of the Team Server features are not worth an additional
$100 per month to you, then go ahead and be cheap. Use open source software or
whatever else. Don’t get me wrong; I love open source software. But if there
is something that allows me to bring more value to my clients at an acceptable
financial tradeoff, I’m going to do it. If you are a consultant, how does $100
per month compare to your hourly rate?
E poi non dite che non ve l'avevo detto!!! Soprattutto se dovete
convincere il capo!!!