MSXML 3.0 SP5 introduces changes for IXMLDOMSchemaCollection, which in some cases could break your existing application code if it uses and depends upon SP stability for msxml3.dll in the following ways:
· IDispatch, specifically where your IXMLDOMSchemaCollection code depends upon DispIDs returned from IDispatch::GetIDsOfNames method
· IDispatchEx, specifically where your IXMLDOMSchemaCollection code depends upon IDispatchex::GetDispID method to retrieve DispIDs
Specifically, breaking changes occur if your code involves calls to IDispatch::Invoke or IDispatchEx::InvokeEx using DispIDs which were not derived from a call to IDispatch::GetIDsOfNames or IDispatchEx::GetDispID on that same object. The only methods to be impacted are the properties and methods on the IXMLDOMSchemaCollection object.
This is a temporary issue that is expected to be addressed in future service pack updates for MSXML 3.0.