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'The binary is the source'... allora aveva ragione Raf!!!

Visto che Raf diceva qualcosa tipo: "Tutto è OpenSource se si conosce l'assembler..." aveva perfettamente ragione!!!


However - one day a tester raised the issue that he could not find the source code for IDLE.COM.  When he alerted Program Management and Development about this the Virtual PC Lead Developer - Aaron Giles ( - responded by smiling and saying 'The binary is the source'.

Needless to say this resulted in a number of blank stares and furrowed brows - until Aaron explained that he hand-constructed IDLE.COM in assembly using DEBUG.  So he was completely justified in saying that the binary was the source.  Since this time we have added a second hand-constructed file - 'VMADD386.SYS' which was also built by Aaron.

And - on a slightly related note - it turns out that this is not the first instance of this at Microsoft.  The following Knowledge Base article on 'REBOOT.COM': tells users how to 'build their own REBOOT.COM' using DEBUG.  Hmmm...  You have to think it would have been easier to just let people download the file

Source: What do you mean 'The binary is the source'?

Print | posted on mercoledì 22 dicembre 2004 12:40 | Filed Under [ Community e amici ]



# re: 'The binary is the source'... allora aveva ragione Raf!!!

Giuro che non l'avevo letto prima! :-D
È una cosa che insisto a dire da tanto tempo, avendo trascorso tante nottate a fare reverse engineering di codice che non è documentato.
Adesso non mi sento più solo
23/12/2004 00:06 | Raffaele Rialdi

# re: 'The binary is the source'... allora aveva ragione Raf!!!

23/12/2004 00:24 | Lorenzo Barbieri
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