Aggiornate le specifiche WS-Eventing

La cosa interessante è che ora oltra a Microsoft, BEA, CA, TIBCO anche IBM e SUN compaiono fra gli autori della specifica.

Cos'e' SW-Eventing:
Web services often want to receive messages when events occur in other services and applications. A mechanism for registering interest is needed because the set of Web services interested in receiving such messages is often unknown in advance or will change over time. This specification defines a protocol for one Web service (called a "subscriber") to register interest (called a "subscription") with another Web service (called an "event source") in receiving messages about events (called "notifications" or "event messages"). The subscriber may manage the subscription by interacting with a Web service (called the "subscription manager") designated by the event source.

Qui tutte le info:


Microsoft DevDays 2004, disponibili su MSDN tutte le sessioni

Qui trovate tutte le sessioni, compresi i sorgenti delle demo :

Authentication and Access Control Diagnostics 1.0

A new tool designed by Microsoft to help analyze and troubleshoot problems with your current IIS 5, 5.1, and 6.0 authentication\authorization configurations. It allows you to check authentication schemes based on well-documented requirements as well providing you a real-time functional method of seeing requests coming into IIS and show you who requested the files, what the file(s) were, and what the actual status code is.

Authentication and Access Control Diagnostics (AuthDiag) offers many IIS administrators and developers the ability to determine why authentication (native to IIS – not forms based) is failing or why access checks are returning failure results.

Lo potete trovare qui: (se non funziona riprovate fra un'ora, lo stanno rilasciando in questo momento)

The tool can officially be downloaded based on your version at one of the following locations –



Visual Studio 2005 Beta 1 Refresh with the Team System

Verso fine settimana sarà disponibile sul sito MSDN Subscriber downloads una nuova versione della beta 1. La caratteristica principale è che contiene anche i bit del team System Server ed è allineata con la beta di Yukon.

L'annuncio ufficiale sul blog di Rick  Laplante.

Da parte mia 3 avvertimenti:

1) NON installatela su una macchina di produzione, è MOLTO probabile (quasi certo) che al momento di disinstallarla dobbiate riformattare tutta la macchina.

2) Prima installate Visual Studio 2005, poi Sql Server 2005. La beta di VS usa una build del framework più recente di quella di SQL, se installate prima SQL e poi VS il risultato è che non funziona.

3) dal blog di Rick:
It’s important to note that not all Team System bits are beta quality yet, but they should be much better than they were in May.  Our bar for the release was to make sure that folks could get going on evaluating the server side bits and having a better client side experience.  The server scale/performance isn’t there yet, nor is all the features or quality, but it’s certainly enough to use to get a sense of trajectory and where we are headed. 

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