Disponibile Microsoft Office Visio 2003 SDK

Qui trovate un video (2 minuti) alla fine del quale potrete accedere alle pagine dalle quali sacricare la trial, esplorare il sito MSDN, scaricare l'SDK.
http://launch3.popgram.com/?BID=1031850432&CID=1843192010 the

Riporto qui i vari link:

La trial: http://www.microsoft.com/office/visio/prodinfo/trial.mspx
, Visio Developer Centre: http://msdn.microsoft.com/office/understanding/visio/
L'SDK: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=557120BD-B0BB-46E7-936A-B8539898D44D&displaylang=en

Overview dell'SDK

The Microsoft Office Visio 2003 SDK provides developers with tools, samples, and documentation to support custom solution development on the Visio 2003 platform using Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 development tools. The SDK is intended for beginning to advanced Visio programmers and Office developers in ISVs, SIs and corporate development environments. This SDK contains the first release of the ShapeStudio shape development environment and sample applications in Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft Visual C#.

posted @ venerdì 20 febbraio 2004 16:34


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# Kaliyah Denia

Left by Kaliyah Denia at 26/08/2016 23:51
Hi there I just wanted to say that I did enjoy checking out your site and to wish you all the best with it in the coming years - Kaliyah Denia
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