Inside WSDL with .NET Attribution

31 pagine su WSDL e dintorni.......

Summary: Understanding how a WSDL file describes your Web service is the key to understanding how XML Web services work in general. This article is for .NET developers who want to demystify the WSDL files that Microsoft ASP.NET generates by examining the seven major elements that compose a WSDL file. Techniques for altering the generated WSDL by using the attributes available within the System.Web.Services, System.Web.Services.Protocols, and the System.Xml.Serialization namespaces are also shown. (31 printed pages)

Sicurezza: 3 vulnerabilità nel bollettino di Gennaio

Ogni mese Microsoft pubblica un bollettino sulla sicurezza, nel bollettino di Gennaio sono elencate 3 vulnerabilità:

ISA Server 2000 ----- critica
Exchange Server 2003 ---- media
Microsoft Data Access Component (MDAC) --- importante

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