iPhone venduto in Europa senza partenership con operatori?

Si fa sempre più concreta la possibilità che Apple venda il suo nuovo iPhone direttamente agli utenti finali, senza appoggiarsi a nessun operatore.

Apple vorrebbe un unico partner per tutta l'Europa, ma pare faccia fatica a trovarne uno disposto ad accettare le sue "arroganti richieste"

Apple might choose a retail-only strategy when it launches its iPhone in Europe, as operators are complaining about the firm's arrogant demands. 

"Operators consistently told us, not for attribution, of course, that they had spoken to Apple and found the company 'unbelievably arrogant', making demands that 'simply cannot be justified no matter how hot the product is'," Avi Greengart, a principal analyst at Current Analysis, wrote in an advisory on Monday.

L'articolo completo su vnunet.com:

EU operators bemoan Apple's iPhone arrogance
Demands leave operators 'adamant that they will never offer the iPhone'

posted @ venerdì 15 giugno 2007 10:30

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