Come si legge in questo post, è in sviluppo la versione 3.1 della Microsoft Enterprise Library. Si tratta di una versione di manutenzione che risolve alcuni problemi riscontrati con la release precedente. Queste le novità principali:
Policy Injection Application Block - The default Remoting Policy Injector can now be replaced with alternative interception mechanisms via configuration without modifying the application block code
- Call Handler attributes are now honored correctly when placed on interface methods
- Fixed an issue that could cause duplicate handlers where matching rules matched both a class and its interface
- Classes implementing COM interfaces (including those deriving from System.Windows.Forms.Form) can now be intercepted
- TraceLogEntry class is now serializable, allowing it to be used with the MSMQ Trace Listener
Validation Application Block - Fixed an issue that prevented the PropertyComparisonValidator from working with the Windows Forms integration adapter
- The message template for the PropertyComparisonValidator can now be saved using the configuration tools.
Data Access Application Block - Connection strings for OLEDB and ODBC connections can now be edited using custom dialog boxes from the configuration tools
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