Updated: Adobe PDF IFilter v6.0

Adobe® PDF IFilter is designed for technically savvy users or administrators who wish to index Adobe PDF documents with Microsoft indexing clients. This allows the user to easily search for text within Adobe PDF documents.

Key benefits:
• Integrates with existing operating systems and tools within your company
• Provides an easy solution to search within Adobe PDF documents located on your computer, your company network, and your company intranet
• Greatly increases your ability to accurately locate information

Adobe PDF IFilter 6.0 is an update to Adobe PDF IFilter 5.0 and includes the following improvements:
• Support for all versions of PDF files including those created with Adobe Acrobat® 6.0 (PDF 1.5)
• Support for additional operating systems (see system requirements)


posted @ domenica 31 ottobre 2004 12:44


Comments on this entry:

# re: Updated: Adobe PDF IFilter v6.0

Left by Jason Manfield at 17/09/2005 00:05
I tried IFilter 6.0 to convert my pdf file to text. While the conversion went through ok, when the application exits, I get the following error:

The instruction at “0X02e161b3” referenced memory at “0x038027b0”. The memory could not be “read”.

Click OK to terminate the program. The popup window has the title: Font Capture: ConvertPDF.exe – Application Error

I am using Visual Studio 2005 and my .NET version 2.0.50215

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