db4o LINQ Provider

Per db4o ecco una bella notizia. Un LINQ query provider che trasforma le interrogazioni in SODA.

Hot of the presses! A new project just hit our main .net repository: Db4objects.Db4o.Linq. An optimizing linq provider for db4o.

Linq expressions are analyzed and optimized down to db4o's fast querying interface: SODA. Whenever a suitable translation cannot be found the query executes as a plain Linq for Objects query (a predicate that is tested against every object of the specified type).


Complete code for the example can be found here.

JB wrote a great critique of our implementation which I highly recommend.

Attendiamo adesso un buon provider per NHibernate...
Ma un mio caro amico ci sta lavorando su...vediamo che tira fuori :-)


Post originale:
Linq is here!
Rodrigo B. de Oliveira
Tue, 12 Feb 2008 12:30:00 GMT

Print | posted on domenica 2 marzo 2008 00:26

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