Anche se molto a rilento lo studio della lingua continua.
In questo post riporto nuovi termini che ho acquisito affrontando le successive 5 unita’ (8-12) del libro “English Vocabulary in Use; Pre-intermediate and intermediate”.
Animals and insects:
- Goat (capra), Billy goat (capretto)
- Parrot (pappagallo)
- Endangered animals (animali in via di estinzione)
- Wild animals (animali selvaggi)
- Trunk (proboscide)
- Whale (Balena)
The Body and movement:
- Cheek (guancia)
- Waist (giro vita)
- Bottom (sedere, fondoschiena)
- Heel (tallone)
- Ankle (caviglia)
- Chin (mento)
- Elbow (gomito)
- Hip (anca, fianco)
- Yawn (sbadigliare)
- Wave to somebody (salutare)
People in some countries nod their head (move it up and down) to mean YES and shake their head (move it from side to side) for NO.
People smile at people to be polite.
Roughly is a synonymous of approximately.
Character and Feelings:
- Mean (avaro)
- Sensible (ragionevole, giudizioso)
- Sensitive (sensibile)
- Disappointed (deluso, rattristato, rammaricato)
- Upset (turbato, sconvolto, agitato)
- Cheerful (allegro)
IMPORTANTE: non confondere sensible con sensitive !
Ecco alcune frasi che utilizzano le parole imparate:
- Parrots are kept as pets, usually in cages, and some can even talk!
- Many people keep pets.
- If you are lucky, you may see wild animals in the wild, but you will probably see them in a zoo.
- It is important that we protect endangered animals.
- Whales can b 25 metres in length.
- I usually yawn when I am tired.
- I am roughly one metre eighty three.